Gov. Kathy Hochul said on Wednesday she’d send National Guard soldiers and State Police officers to the New York City subway system which will allow them to patrol platforms and assist with bag checks. New York City is bringing bag checks on a random basis for subway users amid an alarming rise in crime rates on the Big Apple’s subway system.
The mayor, Eric Adams, a Democrat has announced plans to implement the plan on Tuesday, at the same time he said he’d like to see more police patrolling subways in the city as it strives to reduce a 20% rise in the rate of crime in the initial two months in 2024 as compared to the same time last year, as per NYPD information cited by New York Post.
In March there were 388 major crime incidents in the city’s public transportation network this year based on Police Department data. This was a 13 percent increase from the same time last year as the data show.
However, the number of major crimes committed within the system for transit this year was 3 percent less than it was at this point in the year before the outbreak of Covid-19 that swept through the country, when more commuters were using the system, statistics from the department reveal.

Ms. Hochul suggested that a major demonstration of force in the system managed under the Metropolitan Transportation Authority, a state-owned agency, could make commuters and tourists in the area feel secure.
Additional law enforcement officers could enhance the already substantial presence in subways, in which Mayor Eric Adams ordered an additional 1,000 police officers in February, following an increase of 45 percent in major crime in January, compared to the same period the previous year. There will be more than 750 members of New York National Guard and 250 more who are from the State Police and the M.T.A. They will work with police from the New York Police Department to try to prevent weapons from being taken to the subways.
The incident occurred on Sunday. A 64-year-old postal worker was thrown off tracks in Penn Station in Manhattan while a 20-year-old woman was able to fend off an attacker who punched her face and then tried to raped the woman in Queens. A subway conductor was cut in the neck after the conductor pushed his head out of the cabin’s window during a trip to an area in Brooklyn.
The move is a part of the plan that Ms. Hochul called the five-point plan which would fund $20 million to pay for 10-teams of mental health professionals to assist passengers in the subway. The plan also proposes legislation that would permit judges to bar people who have been who are convicted of violent crimes from using the subway and adding cameras to the control rooms of train conductors and work with prosecutors to identify the repeat offenders.
Mr. Pearlstein urged public officials to concentrate on fixing problems with the system of transportation in their source by ensuring additional housing and health as well as other vital social services for those who are in need.
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